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Aarif Shakeel Lolabi Welcomes You

Natural ability, a strong will, and intense determination has propelled Aarif Shakeel Lolabi forward to this point in their career. While they have achieved so much, there’s still a great deal they want to accomplish in the world of music.

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Lone Microphone


A Musical Journey

Aarif Shakeel Lolabi is an influential Singer with a devoted following. Their incredible career began with a bang in 2000, with the release of their first smash hit. Since then, they have toured almost constantly and have put out music on a regular basis that manages to thrill and delight fans—both old and new—and critics alike.

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Behind the Music

Keeping Music Alive

Aarif Shakeel Lolabi is strongly influenced by the community, culture and sounds of their hometown. Even as a youngster, they were drawn to music and musicians. They truly understand the power of sound and try to perform music that speaks to fans across the musical spectrum.

Their signature style is instantly recognizable and is becoming a sound that others are beginning to emulate. With their name becoming increasingly heard on a national stage, their career is at an important crossroads that could see them burst onto the international charts.

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